When Ash came back with "Shining Light" there was almost a sense of relief. It was like welcoming an old friend back to the fold after the disappointing "Nu-Clear Sounds". With the follow up single "Burn Baby Burn" heavily rotated on MTV and The Box, an album "Free All Angels" set for release at the end of April we couldn't think of a better person to speak to than the elusive Charlotte. In a rare interview we talk about the acoustic shows, modelling for Calvin Klein and the new found optimism in the Ash camp.
Q: Would you agree that you had
to make an album like "Free All Angels" after "Nu-Clear Sounds"?
A: Yeah, but I think after "Nu-Clear Sounds" we could
have done anything really. It kind of wiped the slate clean and I think
everybody's expectations were dashed a little after. We did have a lot
of pressure during "Nu-Clear Sounds" and to be honest we just didn't want
the pressure with this one.
It was sort of contrived because we had 30 songs
and a lot of them were quite slow like "Somedays" on the album, but we
thought we'd go for the 13 most upbeat ones.
Q: How do you feel about Nu-Clear
sounds now?
A: I think its great. At the time it got better reviews
than "1977" and it was really critically acclaimed but commercially it
didn't go well - we just didn't have the singles. Its a really good album
but there were songs or moments that were missing from it.
The new album is similar to "1997" but its moved on so
much from then. On that album you couldn't have had "Candy" and "Cherrybomb"
on there - it just wouldn't have happened.
Q: When "Shining Light" came
out did you just look at the competition and think no problem?
A: That's the first song we recorded and we all knew
it was going to be a single as soon as we did it. It was great when it
went into Number 8 when we hadn't released anything for 2 years.
There still is some good British Music, its just that
you have to look a little harder to find it nowadays. I don't mind such
bands like Coldplay but there doesn't seem to be any alternative uplifting
rock music. And I don't really like what the Americans are doing anyway.
Its a bit of weird one. But there are good bands like My Vitriol and Snow
Patrol out there.
Q: You play the programmes like
CD:UK and kids TV. What do you think of the pop acts around?
A: We all love pop music and that whole Westlife thing
got blown slightly out of proportion - but its true that they are shit!!!
With every single genre there is bad and good and Westlife just happen
to be really really awful. Pop rules!!! Britney and Destiny's Child - fucking
brilliant!!!! You can still be innovative with pop music.
Q: You're known as an electric
guitar band. How did the Acoustic shows go last month?
A: We've always done acoustic stuff for Radio Sessions.
We actually did an acoustic tour round the radio stations of Europe and
we've always done Peel Sessions, Evening Sessions etc. It does work really
well but I think we prefer it as 4 piece - we miss Mark and Rick too much
when we do the acoustic shows. Were a lot more relaxed about it and we've
just got back to why we started the band in the first place.
Q: When you did the low-key dates
last year you played a few of your own songs. Are they going to be released
as Ash or as a solo project?
A: They were part of the whole 30 songs and because they
were quite downbeat they were saved with a batch of Tim's songs. They'll
probably be recorded as Ash songs. I think the problem with "Nu-Clear Sounds"
is that we didn't have that many songs, the album was done but then we
had some pretty dodgy B-Sides - this time we've got like 20 songs ready
to go.
Q: One of the little extracurricular
activities was the modelling. How did it go with the Calvin Klein experience?
A: We went to New York, got a free trip and then just
had loads and loads of people running round fussing us. It was pretty weird
doing fashion stuff because being a model you're just like modelling someone
else's creations. When you're a musician its your own art so its very different.
I can empathize with what Kate Moss said about being bored
of being a model. If you're a creative person I can see how it would be
frustrating. It was just a one off but then again it depends what offers
there are.
Q: And finally can you tell us
anything about the whole Internet Tour tie up Mark was hinting at last
A: I don't even know, he's keeping that under his hat!!!
The smaller shows were really good but on this tour we'll be able to a
lot more visually.
The single "Burn Baby Burn"
is out 2nd April
The album "Free All Angels"
is out 26th April