The D4
Despite the 25th anniversary of punk music, the world didn't end when the Sex Pistols split up and the D4 are just one of the punk bands that are live and kicking in the 21st century. Growing up in New Zealand - a country which biggest exports are probably Crowded House and Shortland street - the D4 blasted onto the scene with the single "Rock & Roll Motherf**kers" and this month release their debut album "6Twenty".
Q: Apart from the Rugby Team, Crowded House and Shortland
Street we can't think of anything else that reminds us of New Zealand.
I get the sense that there isn't actually that much to do in New Zealand
apart from get wasted and strap on a guitar. Was is this boredom that made
you pick up a guitar and form a punk band?
A: Me and Jimmy grew up in the same part of Auckland
in a place called the North Shore. Very suburban , sheltered and boring.
When I went to school there were not that many people into the same kind
of stuff I was into (punk etc.). They were more interested in playing rugby
which I sucked at. As a result of this I got picked on for a few years.
Didn't care though 'cause there was no way I was gonna be like those chumps!
I've always wanted to get out of NZ (although I do love the place) and
I can't think of a better way to do it!
Q: Some people say that punk music in its traditional
form is dead and that the new punk culture is hip-hop and rave culture.
Has it always been straight up guitar punk for you guys and what did you
listen to growing up?
A: Well people still seem to come to our shows so I guess
what we are do is still alive and kicking! When I was 16 I was in a 3 piece
band called Nothing At All! who were probably more punky than the D4. We
built up a good following touring the country about 10 times and playing
in lots of small towns along the way. I was seeing/listening to local bands
at the time such as The Psycho Daizies, Supercar, Gestalt and SMAK who
heavily shaped us impressionable 16 year olds. They were the kinds of bands
that people at the time either loved or hated because they were so crazy.
They were totally wrapped up in what they were doing and I could tell they
believed in it to. They were wild and had crazy ideas such as giving the
audience 1000 rotten eggs and chicken feet to throw at them. Luckily they
had there egg protection suits on!
Q: The album "6Twenty" features 3 cover versions on
it of Johnny Thunders, Guitar Wolf and the Scavengers. The latter a cover
of "Mysterex" kind of sums up the punk spirit in just under 4 minutes.
Would you consider it a sell-out if you ever had to go back to working
in a factory or fast food restaurant? Would you go along with the ideology
that it promotes free-thinking and open minded attitudes when you're free
from the constraints of a regular 9-5 job?
A: I don't think working those jobs is "selling out"
but I wouldn't wanna be doing it. I think that not having a job promotes
me to concentrate more on the D4 and gives me a sense of urgency 'cause
if I wanna eat and have a home we got to be good enough for people to give
us some $$ to do this!
Q: I believe your songs are being played everywhere
from TV Sports programs to being featured on the NZ film "Stickmen". Where's
the strangest place you've heard a D4 song played?
A: Probably on a fishing show that we appeared on. We
have a friend that shot 1 of our videos who has a fishing show called The
Fish and The Fury. It's a fishing/Rock n Roll show!
Q: We've got the live shows in a few days (early June)
and I'm sure you'll be doing a few festivals. What madness can we expect
from the D4 live spectacle?
A: I don't know. True madness cannot be planned. We will
be playing some new songs though.
Q: Finally, finish of this sentence. D4 are the craziest
Rock'N'Roll Motherf**kers because...?
A:...we're 'gonna give it to your sister and your brother
like a motherf**ker!!
"6Twenty" is out now
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