Epiphany – Club Academy – 1.9.07

Tonight’s lineup at club academy is nothing particularly special. Several average bands play several average songs. Each one of the bands somehow feel that their music is not complete without a little bit more overdrive on the guitar resulting in the worry of metal oozing into the venue spoiling everyone but a head bangers’ night.

Then on comes Epiphany and suddenly the atmosphere refreshes itself. Epiphany’s music is like today’s indie sound with a bizarre gothic slant on it. Influences shine out of Epiphany very clearly throughout the night: Ben’s vocals are similar to those of Morrissey’s with a distinguishably deep voice and lyrical banter whereas Simon and Alex’s performance on bass and guitar could be mistaken to be artists such as Incubus.

Epiphany are a band that sound so much better live. It’s easy to se that they enjoy being on the stage and love connecting with their audience. At one point during the performance, Ben announces that their next song is a new one called ‘I Pray’ after hearing this, guitar player Simon leans over to us to let us know that this next one’s ‘a bit weird’, it’s this friendly relation with the audience that so many bands are scared of.

Oh and the music is awesome to, songs such as ‘Everlasting’ make feel as though you’ve known these guys all your life due it’s catchy chorus and easy- to- remember lyrics. Elsewhere the band becomes heavier yet still manages to retain the need for a dance keyboard with songs such as ‘My Alternative’ with its matter of fact style. They also swim around in more experimental tracks such as ‘I Pray’. Ephiphany are a band that are diverse enough appeal to many, but not too diverse so as to be unclear of the image.

When Epiphany leave the stage, the audience seems much more pumped for headlining act Subrosa Tyrst, who sadly fail to meet the bar set by Epiphany. Hopefully, Epiphany will be the headliners next time.

James Bingham

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