Fun Lovin Criminals
Its been a quite year for Huey and the guys, but while most bands are hibernating for Winter the FLC are well and truly back in our faces. With a beer Ad from Huey, the One 2 One competition winners tour and a new album in the can 2001 is gearing up to be yet another successful year. We caught up with the media whore himself backstage at the Manchester date.
Q: The new album is expected
early next year. Rumours suggest its musically moving back to the sound
of the debut FLC album. Is this true?
A: The second one we recorded in Winter, the first one
we recorded in Spring and this one we recorded in the Spring. It makes
a lot of difference - your environment, New York and shit. In Winter its
like Snow and summer its mosquito's, but you can just about cope with the
At the moment I'm listening to a lot of Johnny Cash. Rick
Rubin did this record with Johnny Cash a couple of years ago and its this
really cool stuff. Willy Calone, Ray Berretto and old Salsa are my main
musical influences at the moment. I like the new Outkast record but there's
not a lot of good hip hop out there - its become just like professional
Q: Is there anything else your
working on at the moment?
A: We might get into scoring movies. At the moment if
the record company ask us to put a song on the soundtrack and they throw
us money then fine wino, but scoring it actually would be interesting.
You get the piece of film, you talk with the guy who's making the movie
and he says "I want it to go crazy here, mellow it out here". We have a
song on our new record called "There Was A Time" that we thought would
work out pretty good as a film score, but it all depends whether the movies
cool too, you know - we wouldn't do it for a Sandra Bullock movie.
I like England a lot, they've showed a lot of love to
our music - it doesn't happen everyday. Were working on getting a restaurant
open in London, its just one of those pain in the ass things. We'd rather
be in a band but the music business could be gone tomorrow - just look
at Christine Aguilera. You've got to provide for your family after all.
Q: As seen as you're on the One
2 One tour. We've got to ask the cheesy question, Just who would be your
One 2 One?
A: I've said it before and I'll say it again: Britney
Spears. I just want to know what goes on inside that girls head. Not for
sexual reasons, but there must be something almost instinctional that makes
here get on stage.
Q: There's this track on the
first album "Methodonia" - tell us about it?
A: This a funny story. I lived in this block on 26 Street
and there's these 2 methadone either side of the avenues. So all the guys
used to come by and go down, because in New York they have Tenements under
the stairs, so they go down and they trade pill for liquid and liquid for
pills. Spitting it into the plastic bags - its nasty shit!!!!
I would see how they come, they'd do there deal and leave.
They'd come back the next day and I'd be "like what did they get into that
whole day". A methadone user they probably wouldn't do dope, so what were
they trying to do, just hanging out. All the possibilities are just there.
Q: Finally, tell us about the
Italian remixes of the new tracks?
A: I don't know anything about it. I've heard it and
I think its great but I'm surprised that someone actually went to all that
FLC tour Britain in March