Fortdax - FollyDarren Durham is Fortdax. He describes his music as "Michael Nyman trapped upside down in a clockwork palace during a snowstorm". Let's be honest were never going to come up a phrase or description which matches that one, but were going to try our best to review an album where the musician has effectively done our job for us.
"Folly" is the first full length album from Fortdax following a series of critically acclaimed 7" and EP releases. Beautiful electronic melodies and subtle beats merge together as one while Cotton Casino from Acid Mothers Temple adds vocals on three of the tracks. It's hard to place Fortdax because while they can support a bands such a Low there's a real sense of joy permeating from each and every track. It's that feeling of being completely secure and safe while knowing that just a short distance away it would feel like the world is about to end. It's the joy that a warm log fire can bring in the heart of the winter months. It's the sound of the snow melting before your eyes.
There isn't a great deal more we could say about Fortdax's "Folly" as it's so far removed from space & time. It stands alone with no cultural baggage and while on the outside it may appear extremely simplistic, there are little intricacies you don't hear until repeated listens.
Alex McCann
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