Funeral For A Friend
Since the last time we spoke to Funeral For A Friend, this is our 3rd interview this year, the band have been hailed as the "best band in Britain" and started to create similar stirings on their first tour stateside. Designer Magazine caught up with Matt and G from the band to find out how they're coping with the pressure of fans camping outside their tour bus at 7am, why they want Girls Aloud to cover one of their songs and how Matt's other band will effect things in the camp.
Q: You've literally got back from the States a couple
of weeks ago before heading out on this UK Tour. How did the US fans react
to FFAF?
Matt: It's the largest place I've ever played
in my life. Just one big gig every day. 900 mile drives every night and
when we had a day off it was just driving to the next show, but the scenery
was gorgeous. For me as well it was my first time on holiday outside
the UK ever. My first flight anywhere outside the UK and i'm going to the
States. Every moment over there was just a camera moment and I took my
films when we got back and it was like £50 to develop.
G: It was good to go over there and no-one have a f**king clue who you are. It was really nice to be able to stand on the merch table and sell your own shit for a change. You can stand on the merch table and no-one will come up to you and ask for your autograph.
Matt: It can be difficult here, that's why we lock
ourselves up in the bus. But we fully appreciate the UK public and we wouldn't
be where we are if it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be enjoying ourselves.
They're part of our extended family except they're not invited to parties
and they don't get Christmas cards. It still difficult to grasp why my
name on a piece of paper is so important.
Q: You'd just due to kick off this tour and a week
before you found out the Movielife has split. As a band and as a fan that
must have been such a worry?
Matt: In the middle of the US tour we found out
about that and we were well gutted. I spoke to them a couple of weeks before
at the New York show and he sounded so enthusiastic. Just to find out like
that in the middle of the tour was like f**k, what are we gonna do. There's
no way we could feasibly see how we could pull things together.
G: We had a list of about 30 bands we wanted to
do the main support and everyone of them was unavailable. We realized that
the Movielife would have sold a lot of tickets, a lot of people would have
come just to see the Movielife.
Q: Last time with "Juneau" you were due to do TOTP's,
but had to turn it down with Matt's illness. With official news just in
that "She Drove Me..." has gone to number 20 are you doing it this time?
Matt: We lost out to Blur and The Coral this time.
But I don't care, I'm not interested in selling myself. I never watch the
program and every so often my father will run upstairs and shout there's
a cool band on. It's like right dad, I believe you. Because we've been
on tour for the last couple of months I've hardly watched any television
G: ...we've been on tour so much I'm starting to develop a taste for the news. On the flight back from the US they had on BBC News 24 and I was engrossed in it, just religiously following what's going on in the world.
Matt: You miss out on world events. You miss out
on stuff like that. Our lives consist of just getting up, sound checking,
going back to bed, playing and going to bed again. It's sad.
Q: The albums out tomorrow (Oct 13th). It must be daunting
knowing that something you've spent so long working on is going to be judged
on one weeks sales and a chart position.
G: Something I contributed to and wanted all my
f**king life for is coming out tomorrow and I've actually really nervous
about it. When was the last time you had an album? An EP maybe, but an
actual album. I realize that tomorrow is everything i've worked towards
in this band and bands I've been in previously.
People keep talking about this so called sell out. We've experienced a lot of things in the time since the band started and every tour you do influences you and every band you see influences you but people don't understand that you grow. If we were to write another first EP i'd be f**king embarrassed. Were lucky enough to have people that understand that, but it's the minority of people that just don't get it. For anyone that say's we stepped out of that hardcore circle, we were never really in it. They were the people that put us there, in their heads.
Matt: The faggot who though "Juneau" was a complete
rip off of Saves The Day, f**k you mothef**ker. I listen to hardcore, but
I don't consider us a hardcore band. I just consider us to be a rock band
really. I love hardcore, metalcore, punk, emo... but I also love the Beach
Boys, Marvin Gaye, The Faint, The Rapture, Fischerspooner.
Q: Do you sit down now and still over analyse "Casually
Dressed..." and how does that impact your ideas for the next album?
Matt: I don't think were a band that can actively
just have down time. Musically speaking, we've always got ideas floating
about and once this album cycle is over we can get together and knock out
some good stuff. The next albums going to move us further down the line
and I'm going be playing guitar on it this time.
G: We've already got ideas floating about of how we envisage it to sound. I don't think this album is missing dynamics, but it doesn't emphasize it as much as we could be. Maybe it's us being anal and I am happy with what we've got.
Matt: Us now is tired, exhausted, happy go lucky
bunch of f**king faggots from Wales who wrote an album and that's the album.
So it's a reflection of where we are now. In a year and a half's time it
will be a reflection of where we are then - somebody will be a dad, somebody
will be even more of a dad, somebody will be getting married, somebody
will be single and crying about it. Probably me, the self exiled member
of Funeral For A Friend.
Q: You (Matt) were talking on the FFAF message board
about forming another band. Is this still happening?
Matt: It's on the back burner for the moment because
of the business of FFAF, but i've got ideas that I know don't really fit
into the confines of FFAF so i'm going to get some people together and
work out the shit eventually. I don't want to sing in the other band cos
FFAF is the only band I really want to sing in. I'm not going to limit
myself to a time scale because I write stuff anyway and I listen to so
many different types of ideas I really just want to branch out certain
ideas and explore myself without being too rude about it.
Q: I remember reading a recent review which said you
can rock with the hardest and still have the melodies of S Club. With that
in mind which pop bands would FFAF cover and which popstars would you like
to cover FFAF?
G: Sean Paul seems to be the new fish at the moment
so i'd like to see him do "Red Is The New Black"
Matt: I wouldn't mind Girls Aloud trying to cover "This Years Most Open Heartbreak". That would be f**king hilarious trying to see the chicks gyrate to that one. Will Young covering "10.45 Amsterdam Conversations". We could cover Five or a bit of old skool with New Kids On the Block or Take That. Actually, seriously we could cover a Kylie tune.
G: We know far too many pop bands, I blame my younger
Q: I was recently reading an article in Sound Nation
about Welsh language pop acts. With Funeral For A Friend it's more a universal
thing than country specific. Agree?
Matt: People think were f**king American on first
listen. Were not flag wavers. We don't deliberately go out of our way to
bring the Welshness out because I think people can tell by our accents.
The British press if the worst of all - Welsh Emo Rockers - what the f*ck
is that all about then? Does that mean were from f**king Wales and were
Q: You're doing the Maiden tour over Europe. Looking
forward to it?
Matt: I'm looking forward to meeting some European
ladies. I'm going to be eagerly running through our 45 minute set and then
running off stage and going into the audience. I refuse to believe that
every Maiden fan is over forty. I'm making up for lost time.
G: Were all in relationships apart from Matt. It's only him who's like a dog with 10 dicks.
Matt: The thing is I'm so boring that I go to bed before everyone else. So I'm like gotta find me a woman, gotta find me a woman....but I end up with my best friend really. I think right now being in a relationship with me would be quite stressful. My relationship broke up because of this band so I'm being single for a bit now.
(Ed: Adopts unrecognizable accent) Single and fancy free.
Having a laugh, holding hands with the girls next to me. Fancy a dance
love. Fancy a coke or maybe a shandy...or a baby sham. Half the kids these
days won't know what a baby sham is. In the immortal words of Smallie (the
merch guy for Cave In):
* I'm not a bar, I don't ID.
* If they're underage, put two of them the same age together.
You're 12 and you're 12. Put both of you together and your 24.
Q: When you go on your message board you must see the
obsessive nature of FFAF fan's. Were you as obsessed with bands as your
fans seem to be?
G: The very first date of this tour there was
a girl sat outside our van at 7 in the morning. I appreciate you coming
out to do it, but I can't understand it. She's was fishing at well going
I'm really cold, I was like there's a cafe round the corner go and have
a coffee. What's wrong with you? Are you mental?
Matt: I think the best thing about the message
board is we've got a writing forum. I think that's cool. I totally stand
by that. I'm all for Friendster as well - they should never make anyone
pay for that.
Q: And just finally we can let you know that, without
telling you the specifics, at the Best Of 2003 Issue you guys are going
to do very well. In celebration of that we always ask our New Band / Artists
winners to name their personal selections for Best Band Of All Time and
Best New Band. Top 5 of Best Bands first?
Matt: Led Zeppelin - they're sheer f**king innovators
of music
G: Sigur Ros - so much drive, so much emotion. And so much power with so little effort
Matt: Far - a band who can write so much interesting music and passionate music and not get anywhere is a crime. And a band called Lifetime because they were true innovators of melodic hardcore and punk where bands like Saved The Day ripped them off big style
Matt & G: Refused because a ground breaking band and people only really found out about them after their sad demise. I'm glad they existed because they influenced us a band and influenced other bands and without them this scene or musical avenue we've been thrown in now wouldn't exist.
Q: And your Top 5 New Bands?
G: Days In December - a london band
Matt: The Bled
G: Beyond All Reason - a band from York who are
actually friends of ours
Matt: Beacher - ever though they bitch about us
we still like them.
"Casually Dressed And Deep In Conversation" is
out now
The band tour with Iron Maiden through November
FFAF are expect to announce a headline tour for
February 2004
For more info
your FFAF reviews / comments on the Message Board