During In The City i'll be popping into the office each morning for
an hour or so to check emails / voicemail messages. I can also access my
office voicemail throughout the day. If you wish to contact me during this
period please:
* Call direct on 0161 613 9721
* or email me at alexmccann@ntlworld.com and i'll pick it up when i'm
in the office
Alternatively i've included a photo of myself (In case you haven't worked it out i'm the one in the middle and the other 2 are DMC and the late Jam Master Jay from Run DMC...and yes I know it's embarrissing photo but it's the only one I have stored on the PC right now) below if you want to say hello in town while i'm running round like a madman.
your In The City 2003 comments on the Message Board