Kaci - Paradise
We only need to look at Kaci to realize that true talent does not come out of a TV Talent contest, but through sheer hard work alone. At only 14, she is one of America's hottest exports and has been tipped by those in the know as being the new Britney Spears. While is may be an easy comparison to make the real problem lies in the fact that Kaci is everything Britney should have been - a woman with the drive and determination to make it in a male driven world rather than just being the puppet of some marketing mans wet dream. Unlike Britney, Kaci actually writes most of her own material and had a hand in the production of her debut album "Paradise"....the day old Britters does that is the day she goes the same way as Debbie Gibson!!!
The real problem with "Paradise" is it tries to be all thinks to all people. A manifesto for girls the world over on the likes of "Don't Come Begging Me" and "I'm Gonna Break Your Heart This Time", a token heal the world song courtesy of "Intervention Divine" and the uptempo pop of singles "Paradise", "Tu Amor" and "I Think I Love You". While its a pleasant change from the formulaic nature of most modern pop albums at times it feels a little disjointed and a little too forced.
The latino versions of the aforementioned singles "Paradise" and "Tu Amor" stand out by a mile as the albums true highlights. Not since Madonna's "La Isla Bonnita" has a language and sound so captivated the youth of the nation and if anything it should be this hitting the top five rather than the lolita pop of Alizee. While "Paradise" is far from a perfect album, it offers an indication of the future and at only 14 there's time for Kaci to deliver the pop masterpiece we deserve.
Alex McCann
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