Kano - Liverpool Academy - 12.3.06
As we write this up we're probably more excited about the fact that one of the greatest American hip hop acts are coming over to the UK in May (Ed: You asking? Ok, it's Dead Prez at the Manchester Academy on 2nd May), but if we were to name the shining talents in UK hip-hop then Kano would surely be up there with the best. The last time he played Manchester the university was awash with security and police officers, who in truth cause more trouble at events such as this, and when Kano arrived in Liverpool the situation was much the same. By the end of Kano's set he delived the likes of "Typical Me", "9 To 5" and "I Don't Know Why".....and trouble you ask...our photographer Shirlaine Forrest got a slap on the wrist for patting the sniffer dogs....it's not as if she was lighting up a crack pipe and going "here Doherty, pretty boy" was it it!!!
Words: Alex McCann
Photos: Shirlaine Forrest www.shirlainephotos.co.uk
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