KornWalk through any major city in the UK and you'll see a hoards of rock kids wearing the T-shirts of one of two bands, Slipknot it one and Korn is the other. Back in the day Korn were out there rocking on their own until they gave Limp Bizkit a helping hand (a crime they have since apologized for) and a whole host of of chancer's tried to steal their thunder. Still "Untouchables", an album which cost £3 million to record and over 2 years in the making has proved that you can't beat the best. We caught up with Korn's bass player Fieldy to find out how their transferring this opus to the live stage and took time out to discuss the forthcoming side projects tour he has up his sleeve.
Q: You've just come over to the UK after like 3 years hidden away in the studio. How does it feel to be out here doing shows after all this time?
A: Docklands was the best. Sick. Off da hook. That stuff was cool. I can't believe that last time we were over here in the UK we were playing to like 600 people and now were selling out Arena's for 19,000 people -it f**king cool!!!. But all our shows are cool - whether it's 2000 or 20,000 it's still cool to see kids loving our music, it doesn't matter how many people are there.I don't listen to rock music, I listen to hip hop. But what do I think of the rock scene? I think it's f**king great. I mean, now we actually have some bands we can tour with and back in the day we didn't have anybody.
Q: Last night must have been a strange one. Glasgow, September 11th, the anniversary of the tragedies and you're playing a gig with your family and friends back home. How was it?
A: I'm not into the politics and all that. I don't think it's weird. What happened happened and it's sad, but were not superstitious like "we can't play on this day because....". If were going to play September 11th and they're going to blow us up then it's our time. When it's time for somebody to die you can't go and try to dodge it.
Q: We all heard the rumours about the album and how much it cost to record. How is it trying to transfer a £3 million pound album, "Untouchables" onto the live stage?
A: It's not our money and it's just an advance that the record company will probably never see. The album took a little under 2 years and everything we did on the album we can do live. We never ever do stuff on the album that we can't do live. Whether it's 24 bit, 54 bit, 95 bit, 10 milli KKK and all the technical bullshit...when we record shit, we just say are we going to be able to pull this stuff off live and we ask our producer.
Q: Earlier in the year, you did your solo album "Fieldy's Dreams". How was it to step out of Korn and do your own thing?
A: It was nothing, but fun. Pure fun. It was just a way for me to vent and express myself...I obviously had a lot to say. All I listen to is hip-hop so it was my way to get the hip-hop side out. I hope there's going to be another solo album, but I'm not going to promise anything because right now Korn's really busy. And it's not going to be one of those things where you can expect a "Fieldy's Dream" album every year - it might be 3 years from now, but there will be another one out.I had in mind last week that we could put together a tour called Side Projects. It would be all the bands like Fieldy's Dreams, Tommy Lee's side project, Chino from the Deftones has Team Sleep, Cypress Hill have Kush. There's about 5 or 6 bands that have side projects and you bring it on tour and it would be f**king cool. I think a lot of kids would dig it and just see a different side to their favourite bands.
Q: Back to Korn, the last album took a while. What's the though process at the moment? Keeping the fire going and head straight into the studio or will it be a lengthy creative process again?
A: I don't think that you can rush music. If it comes to you it does. If it doesn't it doesn't. We might do our next record in a week. Even like say a writer who writes books, you can't rush it. If you rush it you're going to put out a shitty album. But at the same time, if it comes to you quick, it comes to you quick!!!***********
The album "Untouchables" is out now
The single "Thoughtless" is out now
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