As Designer Magazine meets Mark Owen at the Jury's Inn hotel he greets us with a firm handshake, looking elfin like with a fake fur hat and huge snowboarders jacket which dwarfs him. It's the fourth time we met Mark over the years with each successive solo album bettering the last and taking him on his journey. Today we met him for very different reasons, the return of Take That, of which Mark hopes to perform a number of solo tracks as well as write his as yet untitled fourth solo album on the road. Read on for an interview with the only person who could segue Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" into "Could It Be Magic?"
Q: So you're back in Manchester again - your spiritual
A: I was saying the other day that i've played every
Academy since i've started going solo and I started in Academy 1 then it
moved to 2 and then 3. I think Life Cafe's bigger than Academy 3 though
isn't it. I heard they've got an Academy 4 now as well so if I end up in
there I might as well just end it.
Q: Last night's gig you went in the space of one song
from Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" to "Could It Be Magic?"
A: (laughs) I think we've got a good little setlist.
It's quite an "up" set and we wanted this time the live shows to be a collection
of all three albums, kinda my little greatest hits tour apart from that
none of them were hits (laughs). I'm joking...Now don't be bad to yourself
Mark, don't put yourself down....that's what were doing at the moment and
it was great doing Joy Division in Manchester. It's a difficult one because
you don't want to ruin that because it's a very special song to the people
of Manchester, but I think we did it justice. And Could It Be Magic I thought
we'd warm people up for next year back at the NYNEX and the Man City ground.
Q: When did you first start doing the Joy Division
cover or was it just last night?
A: No, we started doing it on the European leg of the
tour. I don't know why we did it in Europe first. I think we just wanted
to practice it for when we got back here. It's hard when you want to choose
something to cover because they're not always easy to do and you go through
many songs before you find the right one.
In the past we've done Kylie's "Can't Get You Outta My
Head", Beyonce "Crazy In Love", Radiohead's "Creep", Prince, "Touch Me
I'm Sick" by Mudhoney and The Cure "Friday I'm In Love"
Q: When we saw you yesterday it was like the old days
with the crowds queuing up hours before a show
A: I think people thought we were on a little bit earlier
than we were really. There were quite a few people outside and I think
some people may have come over from the European tour and there were some
Israelis, Italians and Germans that were following us round. I think it's
so they can get the front row and in that venue it's good because i'm only
quite short so if you're on the back row you can only see the top of my
head. God bless em, they're a good crowd
Q: So the reunion tour we all thought would never happen
A: The reunion I said a million times would never happen
and why I don't know. I just think we've been spending some time together
and we got approached to do it. I brought it up and told the other lads
and expected them all to say no way and they went let's talk about it.
Every day we went through yes we'll do it till no we won't and once the
decision was made it was easy because I know what im doing from February
till the end of June next year.
Q: Who was it who made that decision to say let's do
it - was it yourself?
A: No. No one person can decide something like that.
I was approached re: Take That, but I think the person who approached me
approached from another angle as well. I brought it up one evening saying
we've been approached to do a tour and I had to tell ya, obviously no-one
wants to do it.
It's just going to be a bit of fun and put on the best show we possibly can. We're gonna try and get some great outfits and have a big production. And just enjoy it for a few months. I think you have to enjoy it. We never too ourselves too serious as Take That, that's what we were about, and I spent 9 years trying to take myself serious and trying to be something more than that. So now I have to forget about what i'm doing, go and do this for a while and just enjoy it.
And then back to my day job when it's all over.
Q: Are you gonna be ready for the dance routines?
A: I think that will be really interesting. When we go
in there how we are going to perform it. We have to find the right way
to put it together and do it. We've got to do a show that is similar to
what we used to do so what I might just do is keep pointing at Howard and
Howard can spin on his head and Jason can spin on his back. So i'll just
be the man in the middle pointing to the other guys and they can do all
the hardwork. And I just stand there looking great (laughs)
Q: The thing I find weird is a boyband doing a football
ground - it just seems bizarre
A: I'm not blowing a trumpet for Take That at all really,
but I think we're more than a boy band. We were a pop band, but i'd prefer
pop band to boy band. We're from Manchester and I think we deserve to play
Manchester City. We all like football, what's the difference? We still
have guitars on stage. We still have drums on stage. We just mention the
word love a bit more. (laughs)
I'm excited about playing the stadiums. I think it will be great. We had some big big songs. "Back For Good" was a world-wide number 1 and I don't know how many bands that have played there have had a world number 1. Oasis, U2 and the Chilli Peppers are great bands to follow in there, but it's a different kind of show you'll get from us. Take That always did their own things and that's was made us special.
Q: Are you getting the old outfits, especially your
baby powder top?
A: The old Johnson Baby powder top. I'm so glad that
that never really took off. At the time I thought I was being a fashion
guru, I was just being a fashion idiot. Do you know what's going to be
nice? I like being creative. I do enjoy being creative and I enjoy being
creative when you can have anything you want. For me I have to be creative
in trying to arrange the lights and the setlist, but to be able to have
a massive production and be creative in that sense it's like being a kid
with a load of new toys. It's like brilliant - fireworks, the lot!!!
Q: And the thing about Take That coming back is there's
not a great deal of pop acts around at the moment?
A: Do you know what we're just coming back to do some
shows. We're not restarting, we have nothing to promote. We want people
to come to the shows, but we're not trying to sell anything. I think that's
the good thing about it. It's a bit of a different situation than normal
because usually when you're doing gigs it's like our new album is out now.
We're just trying to give people a good night, have a good night ourselves,
sure we'll make a bit of money, but hopefully we'll get to know each other
a little bit more. People will come out as a mates night out, have a few
drinks, sing some old songs and hopefully everyone will go home happy.
That's our challenge We've got to make sure it's a good
show, because we always did good shows. I actually won't get up on that
stage if it's shit cos i'd be embarrassed. All of us are like that so now
we've just got to work out how to do it.
Q: How it came across on the documentary was that you
were the bridge between Robbie and the other guys. Was this the case?
A: I think it's taken care of itself really. I think
there was a time when I was a bit of an inbetweener if anything needed
to be said. I think that's passed by now. Everybody still hopes that Rob
will turn up and do a song with us, that would be fantastic, but i'm not
going to ask him to do that. He's his own person, has his own mind and
does what he wants to do. If he fancies it he'll know where we are and
if he doesn't we'll go and watch him on his tour.
Q: And the other thing on the documentary - when did
Jason become so camp?
A: You know what, I've heard a few people say that and
I just don't understand it. I don't see it at all. I think Jason has always
been someone that has always been quite expressionate and I think that's
all it is really. He's passionate about every word that comes out of his
mouth and I think that's what comes across more than anything.
Q: Sugababes and Beverley Knight have been announced
for the support slots, but we still want to see you support yourself?
A: The lads have said I can perform some of my songs
in the set so I can do an hour and a half and Take That can do 10 minutes.
I'm gonna be happy to get a couple of songs in there though. What would
be my ideal would be to get my band out there and do it myself, but I haven't
talked to any of the other lads about it.
I'm going to write the new album while i'm on tour. It's my challenge for myself. I would love to have supported us but I think it would ruin it to be honest. It's a shame really.
Q: Have you started on the new album yet or at least
ideas for it?
A: I have up here (points to head), but i've not put
anything down. I've had a cold for the past week so i'm trying to sing
as little as I can until I get on-stage. I think i've got two good songs
in my head. I want to do a really really big album and I think the recording
of it's important this time as well. I've been chatting to the band and
I really want them to be involved a little more this time.
Q: I noticed last night you'd changed some of the arrangements
around - you'd definitely got a post-punk influence going on for the live
A: Yeah, there was wasn't there. I think when I was doing
the rehearsals for this tour I was doing all the Take That promotion so
at the end of the day i'd end up kicking against all that. One of the songs
in my head is a bit post-punk so maybe that's the way i'm heading. I've
not got my finger on the pulse at the moment so i'm not sure what's going
on at the moment.
I'm not listening to anything at the moment. I had to
review some albums the other days so I heard Clap Your Hands Say Yeah,
but the last album I actually sat down to listen to was probably Antony
& The Johnsons. Give us some tips
Q: M.I.A's "Arular" is one of our albums of the year.
My Chemical Romance "3 Cheers For Sweet Revenge" has been out for ages.
A: See I told you I was out of touch. I got the Bloc
Party album earlier in the year. We haven't stopped this year and it's
so easy to lose touch, but my guitarist Ben is a bit more on the pulse
so he's always putting his IPOD on for me and saying listen to this. So
these are the albums I should listen to before I finish this tour then
Q: Yeah, and if you have got access to the net check
out Lucky Soul ( www.myspace.com/luckysoulluckysoul
), think St Etienne style Motown pop.
A: Sounds brilliant. I saw one of the bands on at Glastonbury,
The Deadbeats, they won the Glastonbury new bands competition. I liked
them and I did a gig with them as well. I feel like I'm a bit more in touch
Words: Alex McCann
Photos: Karen McBride www.karenmcbride.com
"How The Mighty Fall" is out on Sedna Records
Take That tour throughout May & June
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