
Over here in the UK the dance scene is floundering with clubs such as Gatecrasher and Cream losing punters week by week. Over in Ibiza and Chart Land the scene is a strong as ever and Novacane are the latest dance act to storm the airwaves with their trance sounds. A different this time though - the team have been together for one and half years and are actually a full time band who look set to take over the live arena's and release a full album early next year.

Q: "Love Be My Lover" was originally a instrumental track that just went stellar. How did you hook up with the guys?
A: One of the members is Jon The Dentist, I don't know whether you've heard of him but he's quite a famous underground Hard house DJ, and basically he was an ex Boyfriend of my sisters....keeping it in the family...and he started producing alot of underground tracks and he needed a vocalist. I did a lot of work for him and Sam, the creator of this, said why don't we all hook up and luckily because we had the same ideas we've just been writing and recording songs for the past year and a half.

Q: The thing that people mis-understand about Novacane is you're actually are a full time project. Its not just one of those fly by night faceless dance acts.
A: Which is good I think. It gives us more to do and we can be seen as a faceless dance act because of the Ibiza sound, but we have got a lot of other material we have been working on. This track was written about four years ago and he developed from a tracked called the "Player Soul"...this time we wanted to make it more of a song though because if you're a singer in dance music you usually just get a couple of lines to sing so this time it was at last I have a whole song.

Were kind of getting worried about the second single and were playing it anonymously to friends and when people here it they always pick up on essence of an 80s thing going on. I started going out in the 80s so that's when I was watching TOTP's and the same with Sam, he's a huge Depeche Mode fan and I think it does come out in a lot of his stuff.

Q: You were actually born over in Illinois, home to Slipknot. When did you move over to England?
A: When my parents divorced, it ok though it was a friendly divorce. My dad was American, my mum Anglo-Indian but I must take after my dad because I'm pale skinned with blonde hair. I came over here when I was 6, so I don't really remember much about America.

Q: You don't come from the dance background yourself. It was more a case of taking the classical route wasn't it?
A: Saying that from the age of 14 I probably did sneak of clubbing without my mum knowing. Even then classical music can be seen as quite similar to trance music anyway because of the looped strings. I mean I used to play the violin and maybe I was drawn to trance music through my classical background.

My mum used to play everything when I was growing up, so I love music full stop...apart from Hard-house which I can only listen to for about an hour and then I need to switch it off.

Q: Are live shows part of your plan for the future. When can we expect you out on the road?
A: Obviously if we had the finances behind us we'd love to. Fischerspooner have everything visually going on stage so for the audience it must be really exciting to have the visuals as well as the sound going on. I think they're very brave doing something like.

I don't want to be out there on my own on stage just with two dancers. Its boring for me and I think after a while the audience wants something different. Do you know like with the boyband think everyone loved it and then people had just seen it too many times.

I love a band behind me, I used to sing in bands all the time when I was younger. The energy that comes off the stage is amazing and if we can take that to clubs we'll be there.

Q: Finally, tell us a little bit about the "Love Be My Lover" single?
A: It makes you obviously think about going on holiday and the instrumental bit is quite warm and floaty. And for me it is about when you first meet someone or when you are first attracted to someone and its about what's going on in your head when you first meet them.

"Love Be My Lover" is out now on Direction
For more info

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