The Androids - The AndroidsJust what the world has ben waiting for, an Australian Busted. And like those three likely lads from London, the Androids have penned and ode of unrequited love. With Busted it was Britney Spears, but the Androids have set their sights on a slightly older and more experienced woman for their hit single "Do It With Madonna", a self explanatory lusty tale if ever there was one. Unlike Busted, The Androids don't have the pretty boy looks of their British equivalent. While none of the four young men have been blessed with conventionally good looks they still possess a rough and ready look which suits them fine. The band formed less than a year before their single was released so for once they really are an overnight success.
Even though there are a couple of expletives heard in their lyrics (well they are Aussies, what do you expect) The Androids are a pretty conventional proposition. Their commercial brand of rock sticks rigidly to the rule book. So of course we hear the structure verse, chorus, verse middle eights and guitar solos and while they excel in all of these areas it's a shame the boys couldn't contribute a bit more spontaneity. The obligatory rock ballad "Brand New Life" is sweetly sung by volatile vocalist and guitarist Tim Henwood with luscious harmonies from his band mates adding to the overall effect. "Let me Down" could be Crowded House with louder guitars. With just one voice and acoustic guitar this gradually builds momentum with a drum machine creeping in. Not quite a ballad or an uptempo track this in in-between, but works well enough to make an impact. A lot punkier and in your face is "Automatic" - a two minute rowdy, raw rocket and would sound even better played live.
Lyrically the Androids address the serious teenage issues of alienation, being misunderstood and the pursuit of girls. They sound like they're having fun and enjoying themselves and as debut albums go this isn't a bad effort. Let's hope they don't mature musically too much on their second album because we certainly don't want the Androids turning into the Stereophonics. Heaven forbid.
Nicholas Paul Godkin
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