The Fevers - Manchester
Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
Hi, we are The Fevers, Scott, Tom and Al and we’ve been right busy beavers of late. We are releasing a single ourselves in July and have a small community helping us with the campaign. Liam Treacy and Chris Holloway will be behind, and in front of, the camera for the music video after the amazing job they did with “Dead”. We’re also packing our live set with lots of new material, including a live remix of one of our own tunes, so be at Roadhouse Manchester July 7th to see it.
And how did you get together? The name?
Oh man, we hate talking about the name, I’m afraid that’s a closely guarded secret. The Fevers is a united interest of live music and dance music. Live drummers are great, but we wanted to utilize up to date modern technology to try and create something that sounds very different at a gig. It’s been tried a lot before, but we really love the club DJ vibe with the intimacy and connectivity of live musicianship. Each time we play live we learn a little bit more about ourselves. We are trying not to follow in anyone’s footsteps, so the future is very exciting.
Who are your biggest influences?
Scott: I remember saying that I wanted “Dead” to sound like ‘Daft Punk’ meets ‘Foals’. We love both artists but I never really have anyone in mind when writing. I love Silverchair and David Bowie but I don’t really hear either of them in our music. We’ve been compared to Muse and Bloc Party but none of us are really fans of them. The biggest complement you can receive is someone saying “you don’t sound like anyone I know”. We get that a lot at gigs. Oh yeah and Radiohead rule all.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
We are playing a show soon with The Imogen Styles who we really like, very fun catchy tunes and a great image. Cyril Snear are old friends of ours, and phenomenal musicians. Djembekan are cool too, really unique sound.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
Online community is so massive nowadays. You need to develop a relationship and stay in touch with your fans on Facebook/Twitter etc. But to be honest good support from friends and family is priceless. People who will help you with merchandise, radio plays, videos, promotion. The more people in your team, the better chance you have of achieving whatever you’re in it for. Do favors for people in exchange for help with the band. Not sexual favors though.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
ChaoPhraya is without doubt the best restaurant I have been to in Manchester. Amazing food and not too pricey. Oh and I love Go in the Arndale Center. Afterwards there’s only one place really, Sankeys.
What do you like most about Manchester?
Sankeys. No, there’s so much to love about it. The thriving local music scene, Dry Bar, Roadhouse, Afflecks Palace, the restaurants, art exhibitions, Futureworks, Cornerhouse, Parklife. Once you’ve lived here I think it would be hard to move away.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
Scott: There have been some unforgettable ones, Silverchair in London, Chemical Brothers at Glastonbury, Tool at Download. I’d have to say my fondest memory would be Mugison (Icelandic electronic/acoustic/heavy rock genius) in Manchester about 4 years ago. He’s someone that I idolize and the gig had about 15 people in the audience. It was so intimate, I actually spoke to him between songs. It was just like going to watch a mates band. He gave me a free copy of his latest album because I had no money. Nice guy.
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
Scott: Nice question. All I have ever read in my adult life is Stephen King, Hunter.S.Thompson, and Stieg Larsson. Tough choice. I’d have to say ‘IT’ by Stephen King. I was working in a video rental shop by myself and had nothing to do but watch movies and read books all day. When I finished that book I felt as if I had led someone else’s life. It’s soooo long and so brilliant. The bit where the young girl shags all the boys is a bit strange. Oh and the film is a piece of dogshit compared to the book.
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
We all loved ‘Lost’. We used to talk about it constantly. When it finished it was like losing a close friend or limb. We were all prescribed Valium to help us cope with the depression. Al shaved his head, he was so distraught. Then we sorted our shit out by watching Justice’s ‘A Cross the Universe’ tour DVD and remembered why we wanted to be musicians.
Which football team do you support?
Oooooooh, this is difficult. I guess the majority of the band support Liverpool and the minority support Man United. It’s not pretty. Favorite player? I guess Stefan Kuntz. What tremendous courage it must have taken to have overcome that name.
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
If you haven’t seen us live then I feel really sorry for you, honestly. We love old music, we love new music, but we want our live shows to be something that you haven’t experienced before. Come and dance like a lunatic to all of your new favorite songs and then discuss your favorite episode of South Park with us at the aftershow.
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Come join us on our Facebook and get all the latest updates: http://www.facebook.com/thefeversuk
Buy our debut single “Dead” here: http://itunes.apple.com/gb/album/dead/id501555313?i=501555316
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