20 Questions Your Band Needs To Ask Constantly About Social Media
Hands up if you're in a band and you have Social Media platforms for your band?
Old Myspace and New Myspace?
Shit - that's a lot of things to update after you've written the songs, recorded the songs, pressed the CDs and made the T-shirts
Social Media Marketing for your band is really really important - but you need to view it with realism, use it the right way and be concerned with the numbers only if they have some substance to it
How many bands do you know with 4000 fans on facebook that couldn't fill a broom cupboard?
Lots right
How many touring bands with 10,000 fans on twitter contact us for a Manchester gig and we offer a fee based on 0.5% of those fans attending a gig in the 2nd capital city for them to suddenly be unsure as to h ow many fans they actually have?
Virtually every band!!!
So here's 20 questions your bands should be asking about your Social Media activity - enjoy and keep asking them after every gig / release
1. Does my Social Media activity give a positive 1st impression of my band to prospective promoters / managers / labels etc... as well as fans?
2. What percentage of my online "following / fanbase" have actually attended a gig / paid for a CD or download?
3. Am I offering what the fans would like to see online rather than what I the "band member" wants to see online?
4. How much time per day am I spending on Social Media? Is this productive or is a lot of it just passing time?
5. In the lead up to the gig are our fans talking about the gig on facebook / twitter?
6. After a gig do the numbers of followers / likers increase? And by how much?
7. Are all band members promoting the band regularly on Social Media or is it just 1 member? (all for one, one for all)
8. If one of my Social Media platforms died tomorrow, do I have a email list / website for fans to keep updated?
9. How many of my facebook likes are not my personal friends / family etc
10. Have I looked at my facebook pages "talking about this" figure and what percentage of total likes is it?
11. Do I have enough new images and content to share on the facebook page?
12. Have I contacted on a 121 basis all attendees of the facebook event for the next gig to firm up attendance for the gig
13. Are my contact details in the about us section available for promoters to contact us?
14. Are all my followers actually real accounts ran by real people and have I blocked spammers?
15. How often do I get retweeted and do I know how many impressions my retweets get?
16. Are my followers in lists segmented by town / city so when I play my next gig I can easily contact fans 1 on 1?
17. Inbetween every broadcast style tweet am I engaging 121 with fans and industry tweeters?
18. Have I got a twitter search set up for any mention of my band name?
19. Have I checked the #musicmarketing hashtag to keep up to date with any music marketing tips for my band?
20. Have I checked my bands email today? Is there an autoforwarder set up on the bands email account so all band members (or at least a back up accounts) receive emails?
That last one although not strictly social media is really important, because if you're doing all the right things Social media wise you will be getting emails regularly..... and you'd be surprised at how many band don't check their email on a daily basis.
Hope this helps and if it does - it will help others so please click the share buttons below
And when you can answer yes to question number 1 - why not contact us for a Manchester gig by clicking here
If you want to know more about Social Media Marketing for musicians contact our sister company Altrincham HQ here for more info
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