Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
We are Allaira, a dedicated melodic death metal band focused on reestablishing the true name of Metal and it's roots, consisting of atmosphere and attitude.
Since forming in September 2011 and having enough original songs for an album, we decided to branch out from college and start playing independantly. Being fortunate enough to know contacts within the Manchester music scene, we have been able to expand rapidly, playing gigs and festivals all across Manchester, from Dry Bar, to supporting FuryUK on their last hometown tour and most recently SOS Festival with many familiar faces from previous gigs.
And how did you get together? The name?
Merged by blind luck, 4 individuals with complete determination to create deep and meaningful music, with topics that challenge controversial subjects such as religion, life, loss and hate.
Meeting together for the first time at Trafford Music Base, the yet to be named band instantly clicked, creating unique and influential songs, gaining notoriety around college for being dedicated, passionate and most importantly, different from what has been heard before.
When deciding on a name that would be memorable and simple, we wanted a name with no meaning that we could call our own. We wanted a unique name that sounds elegant, but hard hitting, unusual but interesting.
Who are your biggest influences?
Obviously as musicians we are influenced by our favourite bands and we aspire to be as successful as them but in reality, we take our biggest influence from bands that are in the same shoes as we are. Bands that are out there, promoting themselves, gigging, supporting others, getting their message out there, this is what we take our inspiration from, rising bands that are serious about their work.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene, which are your favourite local bands and why should we check them out?
With all the performing oppertunities, we have had the great prililege of meeting many talented bands that are in the same situation as ourselves. The bands that we believe are the most deserving of attention are Gorehead and Jack's Not Smooth.
Gorehead because they are constantly gigging, promoting and supporting other bands in Manchester and Liverpool. They are determinded, despite some of the band not returning to college for their second year, they are continuing to rehearse, promote and gig around Manchester and Liverpool.
Jack's Not Smooth deserve attention due to their unquestionable loyalty and professionalism, releasing a free EP, photos, promotional material and music videos.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
Social Networking Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are perfect for creating a hub for your band, all your information such as upcoming gigs, photos, videos, biographies and most importantly music are all in one place and easy to access. Bands can keep in touch with their fanbase, interact with fans, promoters and managers.
YouTube is a really good way of letting people know how your music sounds and can be viewed from all over the world for free. Having YouTube connected to your band page is a very effective way of creating a fanbase.
Having a band e-mail will greatly improve your accessibility and is an easy way for people like promoters or gig organisers to get in touch with you and other bands if needed.
Also the best promotion is actually getting your band out there and playing gigs. We have played with many bands who liked us so they recommended Allaira to other promoters and gig organisers.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
We don't really have a set place to eat before a gig...we just drink Red Bull and Alcohol.
What do you like most about Manchester?
The opportunites. Upcoming bands are getting a lot more help with things such as promoting themselves and getting involved with more gigs and even festivals.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
As any musician would love to do, some of us have been to see some of our favourite artists like going to see Children of Bodom, Slipknot, Slayer and Metallica, but even at less popular gigs like The SOS Festival, it was very well organised, promoted and extremely professional for the audience and the bands that performed.
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
Kamasutra ;)
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
Anything that has Gore, a good plot and makes us laugh (good luck trying to find a film like that).
Which football team do you support?
Is that the 'game' where Cheating, Racism and pointless violence is involved? Not Interested.
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
Putting a good show on for our fans is what we live for, this is why we give it our all in every performance we give and making sure we deliver what people pay to see. Our shows are filled with passion, meaning and our unrelenting energy.
The Catchiest Songs. The Biggest Performances. The Unmatched Energy.
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Allaira Manchester - Youtube
allaira-manchester@hotmail.co.uk - Email
Want to be a featured artist - look at our Book A Gig Section above
Our Monthly Metal On Metal gigs take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month at Dry Bar Manchester
© 2000-2012
Magazine unless otherwise stated.
All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
NB: Please seek permission before using any articles within this site
us: designermagazine@hotmail.com