Don’t Be A Disaster. Follow This Mantra.
I'm Kyle and I play guitar in two bands: This Is How We Fall and Model Sister (both of which are very different and you should check out...hint hint) So that gives me the right to tell you, the lucky reader, what to do.
DISCLAIMER: These 'tips' aren't tried, tested or proven to get you into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame for being arse-kickingly amazing but they are things that we are doing and they feel right.
Finding The 'Right Gigs' To Play
When I first started out in a band I thought playing a few carefully selected venues in Manchester would mean easy stepping stones to fame, fortune and all the guitars my heart desired. However this is not the case. I've played in a hipster's paradise (Night&Day bar) and the dirtiest metal bars in south Wales (all of them) yet Pitchfork Magazine haven't come knocking on my door yet. You've got to remember its the experience of different audiences that make each gig individual and it's your job to make sure it's an experience for them too. Their experience will be reflected back to you in new listeners, fans, likes, followers and downloads. Even if it's one new person a gig that's better than last time! Model Sister’s frontman Jack has made gig’s memorable with all white outfits, Tony Stark costumes and some questionable cowboy boots. It’s this flair that makes your band standout in people’s memory. From this they will remember to look you up later.
When TIHWF's lead singer Laura got a new job, she didn't just see this as a way of paying for her expensive clothing taste; this was a chance to get more ears tuning into our sounds. Within two months of working she networked her bottom off to get at least 50 more people onto our page. This may feel creepy and you might cringe whilst doing it but that doesn't mean when you post up your new single they aren't going to love it. Your next biggest fan might have been guilt tripped into liking the Facebook page but that won't stop them loving your excellent, well crafted music or stop them from sharing it to their news feed!
When watching a new band I'll have decided if I like them by the first chorus of the second song. Impress me with your first song, surprise me with your next one. Liven it up with variation. Too many bands put similar sounding songs together. Might work on an album but entertain me. You've got adrenalin. I've got to stand there with my overpriced beer. Also if you have a good inspired cover third in the set, I'm buying a cd. I don't know where this pretentious thinking came from that only crappy bands do covers. Every band that is an influence to you has done a cover. So hush up. (Side note best cover ever is 'Twist and Shout')
Key Tip (that will definitely get you into the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame)
Enjoy the gig. Enjoy the band your in. Enjoy the music you play. If I can see that on stage I'll love your set.
Thanks for reading now here's some plugging:
This Is How We Fall (pop-punk female fronted foursome)
Twitter: @TIHWFband https://www.facebook.com/pages/This-Is-How-We-Fall/190913220919815
Model Sister (Four uncool hipsters fighting for the microphone)
Twitter: @ModelSisterBand https://www.facebook.com/modelsister
And shameless plug for more twitter follows: @thisiskyles
Happy gigging!
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