Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
We’re just four normal lads from Manchester really. No one person is in charge or more important than the other (I might let the others see this interview after I’ve sent it). We have recently been recording our new track ‘October’ which you will be able to hear soon on our Facebook page.
And how did you get together?
Myself (Tom Bradburn) and Rob Astles met at music college in Manchester over 10 years ago (At that time I think our course was dreamt up by the government to reduce the unemployment figures in young men).
We met Dave Davis (our nighty seventh and final drummer) through a mutual friend about three years ago. Mr Paul Rooney (AKA Rat Boy) was drafted in recently to make the rest of us look good.
Who are your biggest influences?
Apparently, we sound like a cross between The Chameleons and The Skids. I’m not so sure about this comparison myself but hey, who am I to judge? I only write the stuff.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
Our favourite unsigned bad at the moment is probably rockers ‘Kill For Company’; they’re only a two piece but they sound massive. The drummer is a joy to watch and the guitarist plays a homemade custom guitar which simulates both the bass and guitar. They’re a must see live and it’s fair to say I am a little jealous.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
I think we might just be the worst self-promoters out there (well… three of us are anyway). I hate doing it and just wish someone else would sort it out. There’s nothing worse than bands going on and on about themselves. You know the type… so Rock ‘n’ Roll they can’t even walk straight.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
Food? Just whatever is around really; we don’t have any rituals or anything. Although, Dave does love a good doner kebab.
What do you like most about Manchester?
I love Manchester and nothing reminds me more than going somewhere like London for any length of time. It may be cold and wet here, nearly every day, but that won’t stop us Mancunians having a good time. However, there’s something about Manchester’s music scene that almost trips its self-up. It’s got a great successful history we’re proud of but somehow I feel like that this has restricted some people’s acceptance of other styles.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
I’ve been to loads of great gigs in my time, I couldn’t possibly say which the best was. I remember the bad ones more; I’ll never pay to see ‘The Courteeners’. Talk about an ‘Out of tune, middle class, swagger-tron with a forced Manchester accent’
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
The Little Prince because it reminds me of what it was to be young and imaginative; without barriers and constraints of ‘mature’ adult life getting in the way.
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
Back to the future, ‘I guess you guys aren’t ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it’. And the scene where Marty blows himself away with his amp is enough to make anyone want to learn to play the electric guitar.
Which football team do you support?
Without me there are two Manchester United Fans and one Liverpool Fan (who can’t be named under the data protection act). I don’t really support football to be honest, two years working at ‘The Theatre of Nightmares’ in Old Trafford sealed that for me. But if (predominantly) men want to watch other men kick a sack of air around getting all hot and sweaty that’s fine with me (whatever floats your boat).
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Click the Book a Gig With Us Tab Above for more info
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Magazine unless otherwise stated.
All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
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