Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
Hey, we’re Plastic Rabbits, we’re a band from Manchester and Leeds, and we’ve been up to quite a lot recently! Before the summer we played at Leeds’ Library pub, at their famous ‘360 Club’, and then a headline show at Manchester Roadhouse. We’ve basically been networking, gigging and writing as much as possible, and sorting out next year’s schedule.
And how did you get together? The name?
Well it started mid 2011 as a little jam project, with Guy being the only remaining member from that era. Singer Guy met rhythm guitarist Charles at Leeds Met Uni, and they bonded over a mutual love of a ridiculous range of music. They advertised for a drummer and soon found Cam in Manchester, with bassist Joe completing the line up. Lead Guitarist at the time Henry was involved at that point, but has since left on creative differences.
The name is always a funny one when we get asked about it, because it started off as a running joke that we were a (look away the easily offended) ‘Girl’s best friend’. We never intended the name to stick, but everytime we told people that was what we were called they’d laugh and say ‘that’s brilliant’. You can’t argue with good press! At the same time we’re kind of glad that the name did stick, because we didn’t want to be another generic ‘The *Insert something related to music here*’
Who are your biggest influences?
I think as a band we all have really different influences, and that’s reflected in our music.
Guy’s a proper indie kid, so he loves Stone Roses, The Maccabees, Pulp, The Kooks etc, with his favourite band ironically being Foo Fighters.
Charles has a somewhat more diverse taste, with Johnny Cash being his favourite, then Foo Fighters, Arctic Monkeys and Brand New all get a mention
Cameron’s our resident metalhead, and as a drummer takes influence from bands he appreciates the drummers from, such as Tool, Black Sabbath, Mastodon and Metallica
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
We’ve been really lucky with gigs we’ve played, as we’ve got to play with some bands that we really love! I think our favourite three would have to be New Ivory – an incredible band signed to Steve Aoki’s ‘Dim Mak Records’, huge riffs, great stage presence and great lads (Not local we know but played with them in Manchester – had to get them in there), Disfunktional, an amazing ska punk band from Bolton, with the catchiest riffs and vocals we’ve heard in a while! Lastly, we loved a band we played with in Leeds called The Tender Hooligans – The name says it all really, for you Smiths fans out there! The Skipton lads play a mixture of electronica, indie and alternative, with driving basslines and guitar lines soaked in psychedelica, echoing the Hacienda bands of the 90’s.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
We’d just say push your Facebook page really, get everything any fan would need up there! Gigs, tunes, posters from your gigs (which advertise other bands as well), any artworks you have, pictures of you out and about etc. Just keep talking, that’s our motto! Keep posting on your page, and the reach of your page will skyrocket, attracting fans and contacts alike! Get yourselves on SoundCloud aswell, massively useful tool that gives your music massive exposure to Industry professionals, aswell as regular music – lovers.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
Well Cam introduced us to Janam’s just round the corner from Piccadilly Gardens before our last Manchester gig, and safe to say our minds were blown. We enjoyed the food so much we seriously considered buying their T – Shirts to wear on stage. However, Charles and Guy are and always will be KFC Whores.
As for Post – gig clubs, it has to be 42nd Street just off Deansgate. As Indie lovers we don’t go anywhere else really, the mix of tunes they play is utterly ridiculous, in the best way possible. It’s also steeped in Manchester history, with previous owners including one Mr. George Best, and regulars including Bez, Shaun Ryder, Morrissey and more.
What do you like most about Manchester?
The ‘come at me bro’ attitude. We’re used to rain, clouds and generally horrible weather. We developed a novel way of coping with this – going inside and picking up guitars. This, in our opinion, is why Manchester’s music scene, both unsigned and signed, is the best in the World. Look at the bands that have made it, it’s more than anywhere else of the same size! Countless, but to name a few, Oasis, Stone Roses, The Smiths, The Courteeners and Joy Division. Pretty impressive list.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
I think Big Five( The name adopted by Leeds Festival 2010 Goers for Limp Bizkit, Cypress Hill, Weezer, Paramore and Blink 182) probably tops the list. It was an amazing day, with every band absolutely smashing it. A personal highlight was Rivers Cuomo kicking a football round the stage! Weezer were the band of the weekend, and any line-up that includes a Blink 182 reunion is a winner in our eyes!
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
The Twilight Saga – We just love the romance….
Only joking.
Anything written by Dave Grohl (including scrap books, post – it notes etc, the man is a God)
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
Guy – Back And Forth (Foo Fighters Documentary)
Charles – Walk The Line
Joe – The Lion King
Cam – One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest
Which football team do you support?
Guy – Manchester City
Charles – From Leamington Spa, doesn’t know what football is
Joe – Everton
Cam – Manchester United
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
Because we love jumping around, we’re practically House Of Pain. On a serious note, we love playing, and interacting with the crowd, whether it be jumping off the stage to sing with people, or making you guys jump like crazy people. We love chatting to the other bands playing with us before/during and after every gig so it’s always interesting. We also love getting people on stage with us and generally sharing the experience! Basically a lot of jumping, a lot of big riffs and a lot of fun. Come see us, you won’t regret it!
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Our facebook is www.facebook.com/plasticrabbits1 (some Irish guys stole /plasticrabbits!)
Our twitter is @Plasticrabbits1
Feel free to post any queries, requests etc on either our Twitter or Facebook and we’ll get back to you!
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Magazine unless otherwise stated.
All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
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us: designermagazine@hotmail.com