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The Designer Magazine Promo Team is for Manchester based music fans who A) Want to get in free to all our gigs and B) Want to get a little insight into the Social Media side of gig promotion...

If you want to get involved please read the information below and fill in the form and then we'll be in touch

* Our gigs are aged for 14+ so therefore the promo team member must be 14+ as well
* Any Under 16s should let their parents know they're involved in the promo team
* Greater Manchester based
* Indie or rock fan - we don't put on dance or R&B events
* Promo Team members are required to have a minumum of the following
- 300+ facebook friends
- 100+ twitter followers

We've kept it simple and the below will literally take you 2 seconds each day for each of the first 2 tasks and 5 minutes max for the last task

* Share one of our Designer Magazine facebook links / statuses etc each day
* RT one of our tweets each day
* Invite all your friends on facebook to one event per week - there is an easy way to do it with a couple of clicks

* A free ticket for any of our gigs - we put on about 6 gigs a month and around 30 bands
* As you get one ticket per the gig simply ask a friend to become a promo team member so you have a friend to come with

* Promo team members must be involved for 21 days before claiming their first gig ticket - after this point you can claim for as many of our events as you wish
- This is simply to stop people joining up 2 days before a gig to get free tickets

* To claim a ticket for any show simply email designermagazine@hotmail.com with the subject line - PROMO TEAM CLAIM: (And then the gig you wish to attend)

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* indicates required
Genre Preference - Indie or Rock


© 2000-2011
Designer Magazine unless otherwise stated.

All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
NB: Please seek permission before using any articles within this site

Contact us: designermagazine@hotmail.com