Featured Artists
Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
We are SavingSyenna - Adam is on Vocals/Guitar, Rob is on Lead Guitar, Alasdair on Rhythm Guitar, Luke on Bass, Greg on Drums.
Recently, we've been writing & recording our debut album, which we have all self produced.
It is called 'They Say They're Fearless... So Why Do They Run' and is available now for a download,
or up for a listen on our YouTube Channel.
Also, we've been busy writing new material for album number two & practicing these songs for our upcoming gigs around Manchester.
And how did you get together? The name?
Me (Rob) and Greg started the band years ago and just jammed in Greg's room for a while playing covers...
As we were asked to play in a school concert we asked Alasdair to join as we needed another guitarist, and we had a friend from school to be on vocals - and at that gig the 3 of us got a taste of performance and loved it, but after that not much happened for a while... Until we were entered into a battle of the bands and needed a vocalist, we asked Adam to fill in and played well - we ended up stealing him from the band he came from! And he's been with us since. Rob met Luke at a college music course audition and asked him to play bass - he learned our few songs quickly and now we're all just best friends doing what we love.
Who are your biggest influences?
Adam's biggest influences are bands like Deaf Havana, Asking Alexandria, etc. We originally had the idea to be like a pop-punk band, but after playing covers of heavier songs we found we loved playing that type of music. So we started writing around the Metalcore genre, but still keeping strong pop/punk influences and doing the occasional Punk/Pop or Acoustic song to show that we have something more to offer the music industry. Rather than most modern bands we listen to who play nothing but eternal breakdowns broken up by a bit of techno.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
We're all really good friends with the guys from; Jack's Not Smooth - who play the same style as us but slightly more Punk influenced along with their use of Dubstep and things like that! Very unique.
Life Sentence - The only band i know who play Classic Rock, a shame really as it seems to be a less popular genre but seriously these guys are reviving it! And The Masquerade - who play a kind of pop/punk style.
Also some bands we've met playing the same gig and become friends with - Hymn for The Fallen just to mention one...
Most of which are already on Designer Magazine! Definitely worth checking them out.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
Promo tips? Erm... we seriously rely on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and our amazing friends who show up to every gig, without fail, to get the pits going.
Social networking and the internet is our most valuable resource, every single thing that goes on in our lives is documented online!
Any gig announcements, uploading music, making update videos, studio diaries, good news and bad. It's all online for anyone who is interested enough to read it.
So tips to other bands: make a Facebook page if you haven't already, make a YouTube account to upload any tracks up onto, and get on Designer Magazine.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
As far as pre-gig food goes, if we're playing Dry Bar or the Academy like we usually do then we'll walk back into the city centre and go to McDonalds or whatever we feel like.
And as for post gig clubs, we're all under 18, baby faced and have no IDs. So nope we all usually just go home or back to someone's house after a gig.
What do you like most about Manchester?
What I personally love about Manchester is .. The range of people that fill it's streets on a daily basis - be it the drugged up tramps we see lurking around, the Indie kids, the Emo kids, etc. This diversity allows for a brilliant local music scene around the city for all genres imaginable, and the opportunities that arise for young aspiring artists that are extremely helpful if you look in the right places.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
Luke and Greg agree on when they went to see 'While She Sleeps' a few months ago when they played Manchester on their tour. The intimate atmosphere, stage dives, crowd surfing, crowd interaction and the band's energetic stage presence meant that the whole room was jumping for the whole night. Plus, they came back with aches and bruises - the sign of a good gig.
I would probably have to say Green Day last year at the LCC, the atmosphere and the way they held a crowd for a 2 and a half our set, without me getting bored was a work of art in itself.
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
I would personally recommend Derren Brown - The way his plot captivates the reader and grips them to the final pages... I'm joking.
None of us are really into reading to be honest, even Greg who studies English Literature...
Don't read a book, learn to play the guitar (unless its a tab book then go for it).
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
As far as movies are concerned, anything that makes you shit yourself in fear are always a winner. In summer, we'd spend days at a time congregating in someone's house (usually mine) and watch countless horror movies, that i *cough* legally downloaded, all day long. Along with writing music, it's time well spent in our eyes.
Which football team do you support?
The only one of us who is really a fan of sport in general is Alasdair. Supports Manchester City and the best game he's ever been to was City vs Everton at Eastlands, where they won 5-1.
And his favourite player is Sergio Aguero.
I occasionally watch & support Manchester United - but i'm no die hard fan... The rest of the lads don't follow football so that's not a topic brought up very often.
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
Because we work had on our music and the band in general - we're devoted to this band and it shows through our performances at gigs. We all try our best 100% of the time and are constantly improving, writing new material, trying new things and having fun by doing it. We all love this band and the music we make. Even on the occasions where mics aren't turned on or disintegrate in Adam's hands, guitar strings break, the drum kit falls apart around Greg, or any other stuff we can't help - we've always been met by smiling faces and excellent reviews after we finish a set.
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Our Facebook page can be found at http://www.facebook.com/SavingSyennaUK - We're on twitter @SavingSyenna , Adam is at @AxDxAxM Rob is at and @Rob_SaveSyenna .
Our Facebook profiles can be found by searching: Adam Chase H-q, Bobby Reid, Greg Pinnington, Alasdair Brown, Luke Cavanagh.
SavingSyenna next gig is at Dry Bar Manchester with Four Short Of A Miracle on 6th April
Tickets available soon via See Tickets / We Got Tickets / Skiddle
Click the Book a Gig With Us Tab Above for more info
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All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
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