Silver Lining
Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
We're a four piece Rock 'n' Roll band from a small town called Newton-Le-Willows just outside of Manchester. Lead singer and Rythm guitarist; Gerard Van Den Hoek, lead guiarist; Ryan Breslin, Drums; Jack Jones, Bass; Kevin Finnen. We've recently been in the studio working on several new tracks which are our most exciting and professional to date aswell as concentrating on expanding our fanbase outisde of the manchester area.
Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
The band was formed back in 2007 when we was in our second year at high school. Me (Jack) and Gerard went to watch Oasis at the Liverpool echo arena when we instantly decided that we wanted to be on that exact stage one day. We then started to dream of playing songs infornt of thousands of people, echoing every word back to us. We have never doubted outselves since. At the time we could barely play instruments but we all got together regularly in my garage and effectively just made a racket. Since then we've seen many members come and go and we perhaps struggled to firmly cement a four piece that could stay together for many years to come. However in the last two years with the addition of Ryan and Kev the band is it at's strongest and will live and die now with all four of us.
We have no idea how the name came about and we would be lying if we said we are happy with it but that's what we decided on back in our second year at school and that's what's stuck since so f**k it, it's the music that matters.
Who are your biggest influences?
As a rock 'n' roll band it goes without saying our biggest influences are the greats from a time when we weren't alive. Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, The Rolling Stones, The Animals, The Doors and of course the Beatles. Contemporary music is far less inspiring and and now years Oasis have split it's about time another mega rock 'n' roll hit the scene.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
A band also from the same town as us called SlyDigs who recently released their debut album 'Never to be Tamed.' Make sure you buy it, its f****ing mega!
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
Facebook and twitter page with regular updates of new tunes, videos etc aswell as being careful not to piss people off with to many event requests and status's.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
A cheap place called Archies just around the corner from oxford road. Our favourite post gig clubs are 42's and FAC251.
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
We love manchester for it's music history, many of our greatest inspirations came from the city, The Roses, Joy Division and Happy Mondays to name a few. Waking up every day to the sound of so many inspiring bands is what makes Manchester undoubtably the best city in the world for a young, unsigned band to grow up in.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
This is a tough one but would have to say Oasis at heaton park in 2009 which was there last ever gig in Mancheste closely followed by Stone Roses at Parr Hall earlier this year. An army of us got the train down to manchester at about half 7 that morning after already starting on the ale and with Twisted Wheel, The Enemey and Kasabian also on the bill that day was always going to be one to remember.
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
(Jack) Keith Richards' autobiography which he named 'Life'. Makes you realise what a great time to be alive it must of been, back when rock n roll was at it's greatest.
(gerard) The doors of perception byAldous Huxley. The book includes some crazy, fascinating stories such as his experiences when taking mescaline.
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
(Jack) Only fools and horses! Have watched every one of them a hundred times and they never fail to make us laugh.
(Gerard) Noel Fieldings Luxury Comedy.
Which football team do you support?
I'm a huge Liverpool fan (Jack) wheras Gerard supports Chelsea, Ryan supports United and god knows why but Kev follows Blackburn. The best game I've been to was the year of Istanbul when we needed to beat Olympiakos by two goals in order to qualify. We scored 2 late goals in the second half after Olympiakos went ahead. Then right at the death Stevie Gerard scored a screamer to win 3-1. We then went on to win our fifth European Cup.
(Gerard) The greatest match i've ever been to was Bolton away on the last day of the 2005/05 season when we won the title.
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
There's thousands of bands all over the country making the same conventional music with the same boring attitude on the stage. But We know what it takes to be different on stage and we contiue to provide fans with many memobarable nights out. Put togeteher with unique rock 'n' roll tunes the atmosphere at our shows is electirc.
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
Facebook- Silver Lining
You Tube- thesilverlining2010
Twitter- SilverLining31
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All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
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