Tell It Again - Featured Artist
Introduce yourselves and tell us what you've been up to recently?
We’re a local Manchester band called Tell It Again. We have Jonny on vocals, Nathan (who we call Nips because, well nobody knows), Jordon on guitar, Jimmy on bass and Ross on drums. All being around 18/19, we have found it very exciting to have just recorded our first E.P titled “Ghost” and releasing the self-titled track “Ghost” which we have received great feedback from. We have been gigging a LOT recently, and have gigs booked right through to August!
And how did you get together? The name?
It started off with Ross and Jonny together back in 2010 and since then, we have sifted and sorted through about 5 people and finally found the perfect mix. The true Tell It Again came around last Autumn with the addition of Jordon when Jonny took over our old vocalist’s position. We got our name from Jimmy’s hoody which had “Cool Story Bro, Tell It Again” written on and it was so pointlessly, irrelevantly stupid it just clicked!
Who are your biggest influences?
We at Tell It Again have a very varied and ranged set of influences. From up-and-coming orchestral pop punk rockers Set It Off, to Mexican themed heavyweights Pierce The Veil, right up to more classic rock legends like Avenged Sevenfold, or more specifically Steve Vai. This mix allows us to add texture and layers to our songs, and doesn’t tie us down to one particular genre, or ‘box’ of music. Plus, it makes the song writing process a whole lot of fun.
Which is the one song you with you'd wrote and why?
We agreed on a number of songs after a large debate! Bones by Young Guns because of the sheer upbeat, exhilarating nature of the song. Say Goodnight by Bullet For My Valentine is up there because of the beautiful instrumental parts the song is made up of. Obviously, All The Small Things by Blink because by now we would be rich as hell, and Hold On by Good Charlotte because music has the power to save lives, and any song that does that should be praised.
Here at Designer Magazine we're all about supporting the scene.. which are your fave local bands and why should we check them out?
One Local band you should check out are definitely HeWhoDares, they are extremely nice guys, and really helpful in their advice and have helped us many times, plus their music is KILLER! Also, A Mouth Full of Matches are great friends of ours and put a sexy twist on rock music, and also have a new music video coming out soon so keep updated! Finally, I’ll Stay In Memphis are an incredible hardcore band, who have just released a music video for a new song which is amazing. Their guitarist also helped us record our first E.P.
What's your biggest promo tips you can give to other local bands? How do you push your band forward?
The best promo tips we could give anybody are, exhaust social networking for every penny you don’t have to pay for it! We put our single on Twitter and Facebook and we had people we’ve never spoken to before in our lives telling us how good they thought it was and that was extremely humbling for us. Get other bands with more fans to do “Shout-outs” for you as well, anybody could see it!
What's the best gig you've played to date and why?
We were split down the middle with this one. The first time we played Academy 3 was a huge gig for us, and it was the first time we felt like an established band on a large stage rockin’ the hell out of that place. Either that or our support slot though Designer Magazine supporting Better Left Alone. We me some amazing people who we still speak to and the crowd was incredible (Thank you guys!)
Where do you go for pre gig food and where do you go post gig clubs in Manchester?
We came to the absolute unanimous decision that a pre-gig McDonald’s is the best way to prepare for a gig. A large fries and a heck load of chicken is enough to get any band psyched for ANY gig! Post-gig we think taking the moshing from the stage to the dance floor of Satan’s Hollow is a brilliant idea, one of few rock clubs in Manchester.
What do you like most about Manchester?
Manchester has a lot of musical history to offer, from the gigs held in the Hacienda in the 80’s, to Oasis emerging in the 90’s that have gone on to inspire so many young musicians. Also, there are a great amount of clubs and bars for new bands to perform and create a name for themselves.
Best gig you've been to of all time (and why?)
When Set It Off came to England for the first time March 1st of this year, Jonny, Ross and Jim saw them live. During their song about becoming an established band, touring the world and making it big (A song called Dreamcatcher go listen to it!) their lead singer hugged Ross and took the time out to meet us after the gig. He gave us words of inspiration, Jonny cried and that was enough for us to know this is what we want to do for the rest of our lives. No exceptions! Nathan’s best gig was when he saw Slash live (obviously a huge inspiration being a guitarist) and Jordon’s best gig was when he saw Muse. An incredible atmosphere and incredible musicians!
What one book would you say all of your fans should read and why?
Being game playing, music making, junk eating, skateboarding, uneducated hoodlums we are, books haven’t really come in to contact with us if we are being honest! But if we had to suggest something, I guess anything that can capture your imagination, invoke feeling you’ve never had before, and makes you never want to put it down. Nuts, or FHM....yeah, Nuts.
Fave movie or TV show of all time?
Stars Wars. That is all. Your argument is invalid.
Which football team do you support?
Only two of us follow football, one City fan and one United fan! The best game Ross has been to was when he went to Los Angeles and City had a pre-season friendly against LA Galaxy. There’s nothing better than shouting at David Beckham “UNITED REJECT” in 30 degree heat, then winning the game as well!
And finally we're all about the live sweaty gigs - final chance to say why we should check you out live?
You should check us out because we ALWAYS put on a great show, and get so in to our music. It feels so natural being up on stage and each gig is a dream come true, and we want our crowd to feel that passion with us, even if that means us getting in to the crowd with you! We definitely don’t just stand there and occasionally bob our heads, we want you moshing with us on that stage, so when we say get crazy, we mean it!
And if we want to know more whats your facebook / twitter addresses?
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