We've all been there haven't we? It's Saturday night and jeez, it's cold, wet and windy outside.
The stereotypical pursuit of the teen/twenty-something from Great Britain is to get dressed up to the nines, go out and socialise with friends old and new. Maybe even attract the attention of males/females (delete where appropriate) in the establishment you and your familiar humans have chose to be a patron of that particular evening.
It's our tradition, as British as the Spitfire and dear old Elizabeth in her 'well earned' palace.
Or is it?
As someone, ahem, old enough to remember a world without the terminal distraction of the World Wide Web, perhaps this is a tainted view of weekend nightlife circa 2013.
I've done it, I'm no saint.
A friends band is on at such-and-such a place, it costs such-and-such, they're supported by such-and-such. Yeah, you can go out and partake in drunken revelry, have a dance maybe (or more likely, listen to a batch of music you don't recognise), wait in the cold for an extortionate taxi, do all the traditional things us proles do... or you can stay in with a cup of tea (coffee if you're feeling adventurous) and bite into the rich apple of WWWeality.
At your fingertips, there's a chimpanzee riding a dog (probably), a worldwide dance craze bursting out of your screen - inviting you to Harlem Shake or something, heck - there's even A BAND PLAYING A GIG - IN YOUR FRONT ROOM!!! It could be The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, even Justin Bieber. What unsigned band can compete with that?!
It's all there in Cyberspace. Empty. One way. Energy blocked.
Do you remember the last Saturday you did this?
Do you remember your last 'real world' gig?
There is point to all this is this. Human interaction in the literal sense is in decline. We exist merrily inside our virtual reality (yes, I get the ironic nature as posting this as a blog, smart arse).
The point of human existence is to interact face to face with our fellow man. So go out. Watch your friends band. If you can watch all the bands on that night. Live your life in the real world. It's nice from time to time, I recommend it. X
James from Post Zero
Post Zero's "The Shallows" EP is based on Nicholas Carr's book "The Shallows: How the Internet is Changing the Way We Think, Read and Remember"
More info on that here at Amazon -
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