Why Musicians Should Be Using Interest Lists on Facebook?
We've talked a lot about interest lists on facebook and linked you up to an article on local social media company www.altrinchamhq.co.uk - but still we're shaking our heads at why more and more bands aren't using interest lists on a day to day basis
Each month we put all the bands playing each month into a seperate interest list - a mammoth task in itself as we have around 25-30 bands playing for us each month -but one that helps massively when keeping in touch with those bands!!!
So the basics first of all
What do interest lists do?
They put together your selected interests whether they be people or pages in one handy list, so you don't miss the important stuff
Why should you do this?
You've all seen the posts about facebook not showing most of your bands post... it also means you don't see the posts you want to see
Interest lists means you never miss an important post
It also has handy advantages on gig promotion which mean you should never have a quiet gig again if used correctly
How to add people and pages to interests list?
Look at the photos below to see where to add pages and friends to interest lists and go through the step by step instructions after that

Note: You can make the lists private, friends only or public
Once set up you can find your lists down the left hand side of your options - right at the bottom
So now you know how to set up the interest list here's the lists you should be setting up
Gigs always work best when promoters and bands work together, but we're realistic to know that a lot of promoters simply don't do the basic in terms of online promotion
Why not add all the promoters you work with in one list and see which one is the most active before booking a gig?
Suddenly that Academy gig which you've just announced as "our biggest gig to date" is suddendly revealed as "the least promoted gig to date" #realtalk
Seriously - if a promoter doesn't promote online - don't work with them
Band members need to work as a team - but often at soundcheck's i'll hear heated discussions about how band members had brought varying levels of fans to the table
Don't leave it to the day of the gig to have these discussion - make sure all members are pushing the gig 8, 6, 4, 2 weeks before the gig as well
A gig is an opportunity for you to build a community and have 20 other people outside the band pushing for a common goal - a rammed out amazing gig where everybody supports each other
Add the other 3 or 4 bands you play with that gig to one specific lists so you can have regular interaction with said bands, share their latest songs / vids and make sure they're pushing the gig as hard as you
Remember you should be pushing the band at least once a day in some form - so many bands post a week ago and think that is enough - ask yourself can you remember what your best friend posted a week ago and if you can't remember it may offer a clue as to whether fans will remember what your band posted so long ago
Add all of these to one list for each specific gig
* Promoter
* Band Members
* Other bands on the gig
Work together - make every gig a busy one by working together and keeping in touch with those around you
At Designer Magazine - www.facebook.com/designermagazinemanchester - we have plenty of opportunities to push your band throughout the week - make the most of it and join in
That is the beauty of facebook interest lists - you never miss out on those close to you
“Without promotion something terrible happens… Nothing! ” P.T. Barnum
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Magazine unless otherwise stated.
All Interviews by Alex McCann unless otherwise stated
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us: designermagazine@hotmail.com